Begynn å ta imot donasjoner med SumUp og Give A Little i dag

SumUp integreres med Give A Little-programvareplattformen og -appen for å gjøre det mulig for veldedige organisasjoner å samle inn kontaktløse donasjoner og Chip + PIN-donasjoner.

Det er bare å registrere seg hos Give A Little og koble Give A Little Android-appen til en SumUp Air-kortleser, så er du klar til å begynne å samle inn.


SumUp and Give A Little aim to be the most easy-to-use, flexible and affordable way to collect cashless donations

Charity focused features

Gift Aid; in-depth reporting; marketing opt-in; remote device management and QR codes

Customize your campaigns

Create vibrant campaigns, adding custom video, images and donation amounts

19 kr


19 kr




Point of donation hardware options

Create a DIY point of donation by combining an Android device with the Give A Little App and a SumUp Air and SumUp Solo card reader or choose a portable contactless donation box or fixed donation station from one of our partners that come with a SumUp card reader and Give A Little software

Sign Up

100% online, start accepting payments in minutes


Highest security and PCI compliance standards

Great Support

Questions? Get in touch today 020 3510 0160

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